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Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
This one too about economy
UKM Bersatu, Bikin Indonesia Maju.
Hallo Juragan..!
Masih tetap Semangat ya pantengin Forum UKM, Kali ini ane mau share thread seputar UKM gan, moga bisa menginspirasi ya..

Mungkin agan udah pada tau ya, Pasca ACFTA,(wah, apa tuh ACFTA yah??)

Bersyukur nih gan, karena ternyata tingkat kewirausahaan nasional Indonesia udah mulai beranjak ke angka 1,56% dari populasi penduduk. Nah, itu artinya nggak lama lagi batas minimum 2% wirausaha yang merupakan prasayarat sebuah negera sejahtera akan segera tercapai. Asiik dah!

Kabar baik ini nggak boleh bikin kita cepet puas n justru berleha-leha ya gan, tetep waspada!

Masih banyak PR yg mesti kita kerjain bareng2. UKM punya banyak keterbatasan, apa aja tuh? Yuuk coba kita list:

1. Kompetensi manajerial,
2. Profesionalisme tim,
3. Akses finansial
4. Jaringan pasar.
Oleh itu gan, udah saatnya ni tiap wirausaha UKM dari komunitas manapun untuk bergandengan tangan bikin sebuah ketahanan sektor riil yang tahan banting dari serbuan impor n aksi korporasi global.

Masih inget gan, Ketika PILLAR merilis ide Entrepreuneur 5000?? , banyak yang terperangah menyadari betapa kita cuma beberapa langkah lagi menuju era baru ekonomi Indonesia.
Yaitu saat Indonesia berpendapatan per kapita USD 5,000 yang insya Allah akan tercapai tahun 2013 mendatang.

Yaitu sebuah masa di mana kelas menengah menjadi penggerak utama ekonomi bangsa.

Yaitu ketika UKM betul-betul jadi pillar ekonomi negeri yang menggerakkan nggak cuma roda perekonomian rakyat di lapangan, tapi juga jadi benteng bangsa ini dari berbagai krisis ekonomi global yang melanda dunia.

Indonesia adalah surga terindah bagi para pebisnis baru, jadi sebuah ungkapan yang agaknya emang pas buat negeri ini. Survei BBC World Service 2010 telah ngebuktiin hal itu gan.
Tapi, apa kita udah cukup puas dengan banyaknya wirausaha UKM baru yang bermunculan di pelosok negeri ini ??
Nah, Justru tantangan baru muncul gan, dan ini sebuah pertanyaan besar. Apakah booming entrepreuneurship di negeri ini Cuma jadi euforia musiman belaka ?
Daya tahan kita yang sesungguhnya sebagai pengusaha ditentukan dalam kurun waktu 5-10 tahun yang akan datang.
Kita akan lihat, berapa banyak nih wirausaha UKM yang masih bertahan. Seberapa kuat kita akan bertahan ? hayoo...

Seorang sahabat yang bijaksana pernah bilang gini gan, kita adalah tipe bangsa pemakan rumput. Beda dengan bangsa barat yang merupakan tipe bangsa pemakan daging, saling memakan satu sama lain, individualis dan saling berkompetisi.
Sebagai bangsa pemakan rumput, kita justru jauh lebih bahagia ketika saling berbagi, gotong-royong mencapai sukses bersama. Begitu juga dalam hal berbisnis n berinvestasi. Lihat aja, pertumbuhan komunitas wirausaha di negeri ini gan, coba perhatikan. Negara mana lagi yang punya komunitas wirausaha yang banyak n beragam seperti Indonesia ?!

Cuma di Indonesia bisnis dan investasi dijalani secara berjamaah. Belajar bisnis bareng2. ngembangin pasar rame2. Investasi n bersedekah juga berombongan.
Unik, sekaligus membanggakan bukan ?
Karena itu, bukan jadi karakter pengusaha bangsa ini menghadapi serbuan liberalisasi pasar bebas secara individual dan saling membunuh satu sama lain. Justru, kita ini bangsa yang kuat karena bersatu dan menghadapi tantangan bersama-sama. Dan ini adalah saat yang paling tepat untuk menyingkirkan semua perbedaan antara kita dan pesaing kita gan, antara komunitas kita dan komunitas tetangga sebelah, antara jaringan bisnis kita dan jaringan bisnis lainnya.
Agan tau kenapa?? Karena kompetisi murni bukan jadi jawaban terbaik bagi bangsa ini gan, tetapi kolaborasi, sekali lagi gan, Kolaborasi!.
Eiiits, kolaborasi bukan berarti mematikan semangat persaingan lho..!
Semangat persaingan sehat perlu dibangun untuk tetap maju.
Kolaborasi ini artinya tiap pihak menyadari keterbatasan dan kekuatan masing-masing, dan karenanya perlu berkolaborasi, saling menyatukan kekuatan yang membuat kita sebagai UKM bisa tumbuh dan besar bareng2 di segmen pasar masing-masing.
Kita masih terlalu kecil untuk berjuang sendiri-sendiri gan, sementara pasar domestik maupun global masih terlalu besar untuk diarungi bersama.
Sebuah kolaborasi besar antar UKM Indonesia semoga segera terbangun. Ini juga yang jadi semangat awal PILLAR dan Indonesian Business Forum menggelar Indonesian Business & Entrepreneurship Conference (IBEC) pada 7 April nanti. Semoga di konferensi UKM terbesar di Indonesia ini bisa terlahir sebuah kolaborasi raksasa antara para pelaku UKM dari berbagai bidang bisnis, kompetensi, dan komunitas usaha dalam sebuah agenda besar : menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri pada era pendapatan per kapita USD 5000 mendatang.
Segitu dulu gan sharenya, Oya, agan2 Kaskuser juga udah banyak yang ikutan IBEC lho, silahkan buat agan2 yang belum daftar, segera daftar via kaspay , mungkin kuota masih tersedia.

Sampai jumpa di IBEC 7 April 2012 di Plaza Bapindo Jakarta gan!

Go Entrepreneur Indonesia
Sukseskan Indonesia Business & Entrepreneurship Conference 2012
Ajang berkumpul entrepreneur & investor Indonesia
Got this from kaskus, Indonesia economy
Pendapatan Perkapita Indonesia Bakal Tembus US $ 5000
Hallo gan..!
Sering banget kali ya gan, kita denger, baik di siaran berita di tv

Eemmm, Contoh dalam soal ekonomi gan, pada tahun 2011 Indonesia mengalami kemajuan pesat;
1. Indonesia berhasil nembus pendapatan per kapita USD 3,500
2. Indonesia juga berhasil mencapai Investment Grade, bahkan Indonesia jadi satu-satunya negara Asia Tenggara yang masuk dalam jajaran kelompok negara G20.
3. Dengan GDP sebesar USD 834 miliar, kini Indonesia duduki posisi 17 ekonomi terbesar dunia di atas Turki, Swiss, Swedia, Arab Saudi, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapura, dan Malaysia. Wah, mantap gan...!!

Pada tahun 2012 ini, ekonomi Indonesia diperkirakan akan mengalahkan Belanda yang notabene telah menjajah kita selama 350 tahun. Wah, prestasi yang sangat membanggakan ya gan?!

Jika kondisi politik dan ekonomi relatif stabil nih gan, pada akhir 2013 mendatang Indonesia diprediksi mencapai pendapatan per kapita USD 5,000. Nah, apa artinya angka ini ya ? Inilah pertama kalinya Indonesia akan menembus 100 negara dengan pendapatan perkapita terbesar dunia. Wah..keren kalau gini gan!

Ada data lagi nih gan, menurut data ADB, antara 2002-2008 aja ada 102 juta jiwa kelas menengah baru Indonesia. Tingkat kemakmuran dan daya beli rakyat Indonesia akan makin meningkat pesat. Daya tarik pasar kelas menengah Indonesia yang melesat akhir-akhir ini terbukti semakin menggiurkan bagi para pemain kelas dunia untuk berlomba-lomba menjaring rupiah di negeri kita.
Buktinya, launching produk-produk baru smartphone beberapa merek ternama pun kini diadakan di Indonesia. Dengan kata lain, pasar domestik Indonesia semakin seksi dan menjadi incaran dunia internasional.
Nah, kalau udah begini trus apa gan??
Akankah itu berarti kita cuma sekedar jadi negara konsumen yang konsumtif ??
Menyedihkan ya gan kalau pertumbuhan kelas menengah sekedar menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pasar yang masyarakatnya cuma jadi pembeli dan tukang belanja?!

Apa ga bikin hati miris tuh ketika kita justru cuma jadi penonton dari “tarian produk asing” di halaman kita, sementara kita sendiri nggak sanggup berbuat apa-apa ? jangan sampe dah ya!!
So, kalau daya beli masyarakat Indonesia semakin tinggi, lantas apa gan??

Semestinya pertumbuhan kelas menengah yang pesat di negeri ini bukan cuma melahirkan generasi konsumtif dan pasar yang siap belanja, tapi juga numbuhkan generasi kelas menengah baru : Entrepreneur Kelas Menengah Indonesia.
Mereka ini lah para Entrepreneur 5000, yang dateng dari kalangan kelas menengah, dan siap menghadapi era kebangkitan daya beli nasional pada pendapatan per kapita USD 5,000 karena mereka ini yang paham betul gimana karakteristik pasar kelas menengah yang lagi berkembang saat ini.
Lahirnya Entrepreneur 5000 ini jadi sebuah alternatif jawaban masa depan agar kebangkitan kelas menengah dan daya beli bangsa justru bisa memperkuat posisi tawar kita sebagai tuan rumah di negeri sendiri, sekali lagi gan tuan rumah di negeri sendiri.
So, Entrepreneur 5000 sekaligus jadi sebuah tantangan, apakah UMKM kita siap naik kelas untuk bersaing secara global?? Paling nggak di kampung halaman sendiri, untuk merebut hati para pelanggan sesama warga negeri ini.

Saat Indonesia mencapai pendapatan perkapita tembus USD 5000
Apakah agan ingin menjadi jadi entrepreneur/investor??
Atau sekedar target/pasar/konsumen??
Bagaimana dengan agan?? Siapkah menjadi bagian dari Entrepreneur 5000??
Ayoo gan...kita buat Indonesia jadi lebih baik lagi....Merdeka!!

Go Entrepreneur Indonesia
IBEC 2012 : Entrepreneur 5000
Thursday, April 12, 2012
17 tips meng"hack" tubuhmu
1. Jika tenggorokanmu gatal, garuk telingamu
“Jika saraf dekat telinga distimulasi, bisa menciptakan reflek di tenggorokan yang mampu menghasilkan kejang otot” kata Scott Schaffer, M.D., presiden dari pusat spesialis THT di Gibbsboro, New Jersey. “Kejang ini bisa menghilangkan rasa gatal.”
2. Rasakan pendengaran supersonik
Jika anda terjebak di tengah ramainya orang ngobrol di pesta, condongkan tubuh dengan telinga kanan ke depan. Telinga kanan lebih baik daripda telinga kiri dalam hal mengikuti ritme obrolan yang cepat, menurut peneliti dari UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Sebaliknya, jika and aingin mengidentifikasi lagu yang dimainin dengan lembut di elevator, gunakan bagian kiri telinga, ini lebih baik dalam memilah nada musik.
3. Hilangkan rasa sakit
Peneliti Jerman telah menemukan bahwa batuk saat disuntik bisa mengurangi rasa sakit dari jarum suntik. Menurut Taras Usichenko, pengarang ‘mempelajari fenomena’, trik ini menyebabkan kejutan, kenaikan sementara tekanan di dada dan kanal spinal, menahan struktur pengatur rasa sakit di pusat tulang belakang.
4. Longgarkan hidungmu yang mampet
Cara termudah, tercepat, termurah untuk melegakan tekanan sinus adalah tekan lidahmu ke bagian atap mulut, lalu tekan dengan satu jari tempat diantara alis. Ini bisa menyebabkan tulang vomer (tulang tipis yang misahin lubang hidung), yang menghubungkan saluran hidung ke mulut bergerak maju mundur, kata Lisa DeStefano, D.O., asisten profesor di Michigan State University ilmu pengobatan osteopathic. Gerakannya melonggarkan hidung mampet; setelah 20 detik, anda akan merasa sinus berngasur-angsur hilang.
5. Fight fire without water
Penelitian menunjukkan pasien yang tidur miring ke kiri lebih kecil resiko terserang acid reflux. Kerongkongan dan perut berhubungan dengan posisi. Waktu anda tidur miring ke kanan, perut lebih tinggi dari kerongkongan, membuat makanan dan asam perut mengalir ke tenggorokan. Jika miring ke kiri, perut lebih rendah dari kerongkongan.
6. Menyembuhkan sakit gigi tanpa buka mulut
Gosokkan es di bagian belakang telapak tangan, bagian berbentuk huruf V antara jempol dan telunjuk. Peneliti Kanada menemukan tehnik ini mengurangi rasa sakit gigi sebanyak 50 persen dibanding tanpa menggunakan es. Alur saraf di daerah V tersebut menstimulasi daerah otak dan mencegah sinyal rasa sakit ke wajah dan tangan.
7. Make burns disappear
Saat anda menyentuh kompor panas secara tidak sengaja, bersihkan kulit dan berikan pijatan ringan dengan ujung jari lain yang tidak terluka. Es akan mempercepat hilangnya rasa sakit, kata Dr. DeStefano, namun karena hukum alam akan mengembalikan kulit yang terbakan ke suhu normal, kulit akan sedikit melepuh.
8. Stop the world from spinning
Terlalu banyak minum membuat pening? Letakkan tangan pada tempat yang stabil. Bagian telinga yang mengatur keseimbangan, Cupula, mengalirkan cairan dengan densitas yang sama seperti darah. “Saat alkohol mengencerkan darah di cupula, cupula menjadi kurang padat dan naik” kata Dr. Schaffer. Ini membuat otak bingung. This confuses your brain. Sentuhan dari obyek yang stabil memberikan opini kedua, dan anda bisa merasa lebih seimbang. Karena saraf di tangan sangat sensitif.
9. Unstitch your side
Jika anda seperti kebanyakan orang, saat lari, anda menghembuskan nafas saat kaki kanan menyentuh tanah. Ini menyebabkan tekanan ke bawah di baian liver (yang mana terletak di bagian kanan), dan akan menarik diafragma dan menyebabkan side stitch (suduken basa jawanya, kram perut mungkin indonya), menurut Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men. Pemecahannya: Hembuskan nafas saat kaki kanan yang menghentak tanah.
10. Stanch blood with a single finger
Jepit hidungmu dan bersandar ke belakang adalah cara terbaik menghentikan mimisan jika kamu nggak keberatan choking on your own O positive. Cara yang lebih enak: Letakkan kapas di bagian upper gums (fleshy tissue which covers the bones of the jaw and the lower portions of the teeth) dibelakang dibagian bawah hidung dan tekan sekuat-kuatnya. “Kebanyakan pendarahan datang dari septum, dinding tulang rawan yang memisahkan hidung” kata Peter Desmarais, M.D., THT specialis di Entabeni Hospital, di Durban, South Africa. “Penekanan disini bisa membantu menghentikan..”
11. Make your heart stand still
Mencoba mengatasi firstdate jitters? Tiup jempolmu. Syaraf vagus, bertugas mengendalikan detak jantung, bisa dikontrol melalui nafas, kata Ben Abo, emergency medical services specialist di University of Pittsburgh. Ini bisa membuat detak jantung kembali normal.
12. Cairkan otak
Terlalu banyak es krim akan membekukan otak, wih…maksudnya ada sensasi pening geto. Tekan lidah ke langit-langit mulut, tutup bagian langit-langit sebanyak yang kamu bisa “Karena syaraf di langit-langit mulut menjadi sangat dingin, tubuh mengira otak anda juga beku” kata Abo. “Hasilnya, overheats, menimbulkan icecream headache.” Semakin banyak tekanan yang anda lakukan,makin cepet loh sakit kepalanya berkurang.
13. Prevent nearsightedness
Jarak pandang yang payah jarang disebabkan faktor genetis, kata Anne Barber, O.D., optometrist dari Tacoma, Washington. “Ini biasanya disebabkan tekanan nearpoint.” Dengan kata lain, melototin layar kompi terlalu lama. Coba trik ini, tutup mata, tegangkan badan, ambil nafas yang dalam, setelah beberapa detik, hembuskan nafas dan regangkan otot pada saat yang bersamaan. Mengencangkan dan menegangkan otot semacam bisep bisa membuat otot lain yang tidak berhubungan seperti otot mata juga ikut relaks.
14. Wake the dead
Jika tangan anda mati rasa saat menyetir atau duduk dengan posisi salah, goyangkan kepala (dugem geleng geleng). Bisa menghilangkan kurang dari semenit, kata Dr. DeStefano. Mati rasa disebabkan tekanan kumpulan syaraf di leher, melonggarkan otot leher menghilangkan tekanan.
15. Impress your friends
Kalau anda ada di pesta coba trik ini, Suruh teman anda berdiri tegak, rentangkan tangan dan posisi telapak tangan menghadap bawah, tetap pada posisi ini. Lalu letakkan dua jarimu di pergelangan tangannya dan dorong ke bawah, temenmu pasti ngelawan. Sekarang buat dia meletakkan satu kaki di tempat yang lebih tinggi beberapa inch (tumpukan buku atau majalah mungkin) dan ulangi yang tadi, hehehe….Dengan membuat posisi pinggang tidak rata, otak menganggap tulang belakang menjadi vulnerable, sehingga menghentikan kemampuan tubuh untuk menghindar, Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., pemilik Results Fitness, di Santa Clarita, California.
16. Breathe underwater
Jika anda kesusahan mencapai seperempat dari dasar kolam renang, ambil nafas pendek sebelum menyelam sangat penting, hyperventilate (bernafas cepat dan dalam). Saat di dalam air, bukan kekurangan oksigen yang membuat anda ingin bernafas, tapi peningkatan karbon dioksia, yang membuat darah anda asam, dan mengirim sinyal ke otak ada yang tidak beres,” Saat melakukan hyperventilate, aliran oksigen melambatkan aktifitas darah,” kata Jonathan Armbruster, Ph.D., asosiasi profesor biologi di Auburn University. “Ini membuat otak anda berpikir memiliki oksigen berlebih.” Paling tidak menambah lebih 10 detik.
17. Baca Pikiran
Punyamu sendiri tentunya! “Jika anda akan berpidato besok, ulangi sebelum tidur,” kata Candi Heimgartner, instruktur ilmu biologi di University of Idaho. Karena kebanyakan konsolidasi memori terjadi selama tidur, apapun yang and abaca sebelum tidur kebanyakan di encode.
Read more:
“Jika saraf dekat telinga distimulasi, bisa menciptakan reflek di tenggorokan yang mampu menghasilkan kejang otot” kata Scott Schaffer, M.D., presiden dari pusat spesialis THT di Gibbsboro, New Jersey. “Kejang ini bisa menghilangkan rasa gatal.”
2. Rasakan pendengaran supersonik
Jika anda terjebak di tengah ramainya orang ngobrol di pesta, condongkan tubuh dengan telinga kanan ke depan. Telinga kanan lebih baik daripda telinga kiri dalam hal mengikuti ritme obrolan yang cepat, menurut peneliti dari UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. Sebaliknya, jika and aingin mengidentifikasi lagu yang dimainin dengan lembut di elevator, gunakan bagian kiri telinga, ini lebih baik dalam memilah nada musik.
3. Hilangkan rasa sakit
Peneliti Jerman telah menemukan bahwa batuk saat disuntik bisa mengurangi rasa sakit dari jarum suntik. Menurut Taras Usichenko, pengarang ‘mempelajari fenomena’, trik ini menyebabkan kejutan, kenaikan sementara tekanan di dada dan kanal spinal, menahan struktur pengatur rasa sakit di pusat tulang belakang.
4. Longgarkan hidungmu yang mampet
Cara termudah, tercepat, termurah untuk melegakan tekanan sinus adalah tekan lidahmu ke bagian atap mulut, lalu tekan dengan satu jari tempat diantara alis. Ini bisa menyebabkan tulang vomer (tulang tipis yang misahin lubang hidung), yang menghubungkan saluran hidung ke mulut bergerak maju mundur, kata Lisa DeStefano, D.O., asisten profesor di Michigan State University ilmu pengobatan osteopathic. Gerakannya melonggarkan hidung mampet; setelah 20 detik, anda akan merasa sinus berngasur-angsur hilang.
5. Fight fire without water
Penelitian menunjukkan pasien yang tidur miring ke kiri lebih kecil resiko terserang acid reflux. Kerongkongan dan perut berhubungan dengan posisi. Waktu anda tidur miring ke kanan, perut lebih tinggi dari kerongkongan, membuat makanan dan asam perut mengalir ke tenggorokan. Jika miring ke kiri, perut lebih rendah dari kerongkongan.
6. Menyembuhkan sakit gigi tanpa buka mulut
Gosokkan es di bagian belakang telapak tangan, bagian berbentuk huruf V antara jempol dan telunjuk. Peneliti Kanada menemukan tehnik ini mengurangi rasa sakit gigi sebanyak 50 persen dibanding tanpa menggunakan es. Alur saraf di daerah V tersebut menstimulasi daerah otak dan mencegah sinyal rasa sakit ke wajah dan tangan.
7. Make burns disappear
Saat anda menyentuh kompor panas secara tidak sengaja, bersihkan kulit dan berikan pijatan ringan dengan ujung jari lain yang tidak terluka. Es akan mempercepat hilangnya rasa sakit, kata Dr. DeStefano, namun karena hukum alam akan mengembalikan kulit yang terbakan ke suhu normal, kulit akan sedikit melepuh.
8. Stop the world from spinning
Terlalu banyak minum membuat pening? Letakkan tangan pada tempat yang stabil. Bagian telinga yang mengatur keseimbangan, Cupula, mengalirkan cairan dengan densitas yang sama seperti darah. “Saat alkohol mengencerkan darah di cupula, cupula menjadi kurang padat dan naik” kata Dr. Schaffer. Ini membuat otak bingung. This confuses your brain. Sentuhan dari obyek yang stabil memberikan opini kedua, dan anda bisa merasa lebih seimbang. Karena saraf di tangan sangat sensitif.
9. Unstitch your side
Jika anda seperti kebanyakan orang, saat lari, anda menghembuskan nafas saat kaki kanan menyentuh tanah. Ini menyebabkan tekanan ke bawah di baian liver (yang mana terletak di bagian kanan), dan akan menarik diafragma dan menyebabkan side stitch (suduken basa jawanya, kram perut mungkin indonya), menurut Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men. Pemecahannya: Hembuskan nafas saat kaki kanan yang menghentak tanah.
10. Stanch blood with a single finger
Jepit hidungmu dan bersandar ke belakang adalah cara terbaik menghentikan mimisan jika kamu nggak keberatan choking on your own O positive. Cara yang lebih enak: Letakkan kapas di bagian upper gums (fleshy tissue which covers the bones of the jaw and the lower portions of the teeth) dibelakang dibagian bawah hidung dan tekan sekuat-kuatnya. “Kebanyakan pendarahan datang dari septum, dinding tulang rawan yang memisahkan hidung” kata Peter Desmarais, M.D., THT specialis di Entabeni Hospital, di Durban, South Africa. “Penekanan disini bisa membantu menghentikan..”
11. Make your heart stand still
Mencoba mengatasi firstdate jitters? Tiup jempolmu. Syaraf vagus, bertugas mengendalikan detak jantung, bisa dikontrol melalui nafas, kata Ben Abo, emergency medical services specialist di University of Pittsburgh. Ini bisa membuat detak jantung kembali normal.
12. Cairkan otak
Terlalu banyak es krim akan membekukan otak, wih…maksudnya ada sensasi pening geto. Tekan lidah ke langit-langit mulut, tutup bagian langit-langit sebanyak yang kamu bisa “Karena syaraf di langit-langit mulut menjadi sangat dingin, tubuh mengira otak anda juga beku” kata Abo. “Hasilnya, overheats, menimbulkan icecream headache.” Semakin banyak tekanan yang anda lakukan,makin cepet loh sakit kepalanya berkurang.
13. Prevent nearsightedness
Jarak pandang yang payah jarang disebabkan faktor genetis, kata Anne Barber, O.D., optometrist dari Tacoma, Washington. “Ini biasanya disebabkan tekanan nearpoint.” Dengan kata lain, melototin layar kompi terlalu lama. Coba trik ini, tutup mata, tegangkan badan, ambil nafas yang dalam, setelah beberapa detik, hembuskan nafas dan regangkan otot pada saat yang bersamaan. Mengencangkan dan menegangkan otot semacam bisep bisa membuat otot lain yang tidak berhubungan seperti otot mata juga ikut relaks.
14. Wake the dead
Jika tangan anda mati rasa saat menyetir atau duduk dengan posisi salah, goyangkan kepala (dugem geleng geleng). Bisa menghilangkan kurang dari semenit, kata Dr. DeStefano. Mati rasa disebabkan tekanan kumpulan syaraf di leher, melonggarkan otot leher menghilangkan tekanan.
15. Impress your friends
Kalau anda ada di pesta coba trik ini, Suruh teman anda berdiri tegak, rentangkan tangan dan posisi telapak tangan menghadap bawah, tetap pada posisi ini. Lalu letakkan dua jarimu di pergelangan tangannya dan dorong ke bawah, temenmu pasti ngelawan. Sekarang buat dia meletakkan satu kaki di tempat yang lebih tinggi beberapa inch (tumpukan buku atau majalah mungkin) dan ulangi yang tadi, hehehe….Dengan membuat posisi pinggang tidak rata, otak menganggap tulang belakang menjadi vulnerable, sehingga menghentikan kemampuan tubuh untuk menghindar, Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., pemilik Results Fitness, di Santa Clarita, California.
16. Breathe underwater
Jika anda kesusahan mencapai seperempat dari dasar kolam renang, ambil nafas pendek sebelum menyelam sangat penting, hyperventilate (bernafas cepat dan dalam). Saat di dalam air, bukan kekurangan oksigen yang membuat anda ingin bernafas, tapi peningkatan karbon dioksia, yang membuat darah anda asam, dan mengirim sinyal ke otak ada yang tidak beres,” Saat melakukan hyperventilate, aliran oksigen melambatkan aktifitas darah,” kata Jonathan Armbruster, Ph.D., asosiasi profesor biologi di Auburn University. “Ini membuat otak anda berpikir memiliki oksigen berlebih.” Paling tidak menambah lebih 10 detik.
17. Baca Pikiran
Punyamu sendiri tentunya! “Jika anda akan berpidato besok, ulangi sebelum tidur,” kata Candi Heimgartner, instruktur ilmu biologi di University of Idaho. Karena kebanyakan konsolidasi memori terjadi selama tidur, apapun yang and abaca sebelum tidur kebanyakan di encode.
Read more:
Christian Bautista; A Special Symphony
Asia’s Romantic Balladeer Christian Bautista stars in his first international / full-length Indonesia film via “Simfoni Luar Biasa (A Special Symphony).”
“The movie has a lot of heart. It is inspiring and it speaks of a great kind of love,” says Christian. “We hope to touch the hearts of everyone who will watch the movie, just as we were touched during the filming of this movie.”
The movie’s red carpet premiere in the Philippines held at Robinsons Galleria was a success and was well-attended by popular celebrities in the Philippines like KC Concepcion, Mark Bautista, Erik Santos, Crystal Henares, Martin Nievera, Kuh Ledesma and daughter Isabella, Rowell Santiago, to name a few, aside from his family, friends and legions of fans.
A Special Symphony uses Filipino (Tagalog), English and Bahasa as their speaking language and Bahasa and English as subtitles. Although most of the English subtitles did not correspond properly with the Tagalog words spoken, you will still get the idea.
Majority of its cast are Indonesia actors with its first scene shot in Manila where it shows the struggling life of Jayden (played by Christian Bautista), a Filipino singer whose quest for fame is not quite successful in the Philippines. He had no choice but to be forced to fly to Jakarta, Indonesia to live with his mother who “abandoned” him and his father 15 years ago. There he takes on a job as a music teacher for special children at SLB Cahaya Mulya and discovers his purpose in life and what can really makes him happy.
A Special Symphony was inspired by the story of a chorus of special children in Beijing, China and how their exposure to music stimulated their minds, developed their well-being, and earned them the adulation of many people. Although the story is not really an original concept, this movie will surely open your mind and understand better why these special children are special indeed.
It would have been nicer if they were real special children although I know that it will be harder for the movie production. But I am totally convinced how great this child actors playing the roles of special children. There is the right amount of comedy in this movie and values most Filipinos can relate with. Christian Bautista, on the other hand, did a fine performance for this movie and fits the role of Jayden. It is no doubt that his career will soar high after this movie. The cinematography is okay although it didn't showed much scenery of Indonesia but the direction is well done. It even made me cry. I recommend this movie as a must see film!
The movie theme song “I am already King”, which topped the video and music charts is also the carrier track in Universal Records' latest compilation album The Best of OPM Love Songs Vol.1. Another version of this song will be heard at the movie as performed by the special children along with another John Lennon original “Imagine” which is beautifully done. Other songs were performed in Bahasa and its melodies are enough to feel how beautiful the song was.
A Special Symphony is produced by Nation Pictures Indonesia and is directed by Awi Suryada. It also stars Carlo Orosa, Ira Wibowo, Ira Maya Sopha, and Gista Putri.
The movie has earned the endorsement of Autism Society of the Philippines and is also supported by World Vision Philippines where Christian Bautista is one of their Ambassadors.
A Special Symphony will be shown in Philippine theaters this coming August 03 and will premiere in Indonesia this September.
You should watch this.
It's such a great movie.
Here, is the theme song of the movie; I'm Already King :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Found this while browsing lol
Female Chemistry
ATOMIC MASS: Accepted at 53.6kg, but known to vary from 40-200kg
OCCURRENCES: Copious quantities in all urban areas
1. Surface usually covered in painted film.
2. Boils at nothing; freezes without known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found in various states from virgin metal to common ore.
6. Yields if pressure applied in correct places.
2. Boils at nothing; freezes without known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found in various states from virgin metal to common ore.
6. Yields if pressure applied in correct places.
1. Has great affinity for gold, silver, and a range of precious stones.
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity increases greatly by saturation in alcohol.
5. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity increases greatly by saturation in alcohol.
5. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.
1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in the natural state.
2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.
2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.
1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands.
2. Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come into direct contact with each other.
2. Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come into direct contact with each other.
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Hunger Games : review
Okay,for those who seek pleasure, never ever read this before you here,too,the movie yourself LOL
I know it must be late night right now, since the tab on the left bottom corner showing 1:25 AM straight when this words is typed, nevertheless the sensation of the film is still urging me to write this post (maybe that's what you called abnormal lol)
If I'm not mistaken, the Hunger Games was out in March 22nd and I was like"OMG! It's out already?!" "Oh,okay."
The thing is, I actually had known the very existence of the novel itself since the last time we went to TIMES bookstore (search through my posts where I mention corwin's TIMES privilege card). I remember corwin asked the shop assistant, "Which one is the most popular book right now?" and the assistant showed us the sequel of I AM NUMBER FOUR to us and lead us to another shelf which contains THE HUNGER GAMES. I will speak the truth, I am not that impressed when I saw the book, neither when I had finally finished the book (well, e-book) in March 22nd,the day of the premiere itself. The book (well, e-book LOL) is arranged by approximately 350 pages and I finished it in 7 hours and finished the 3 books in total of 6 days. However, the style of writing isn't one like Rick Riordan, the author and creator of Percy Jackson (finished until 5) ,The Lost Hero (finished till 2) and The Kane Chronicle (finished till 2) series or Christopher Paolini, the author of Eragon series. It's more simple, and straightforward where the story only focused on the main protagonist own thought. Enough for the chit-chat, the review shall beginnn.
(I will tell the story from the movie's view, while I will be commenting from the novel's view)
The movie starts and we hear Primrose Everdeen's scream through the peaceful morning, as she has a nightmare where her name is reaped in the Reaping Festival, where the unlucky person enters the Hunger Games; the Games that started 74 years ago in favor of remembering the citizen of districts that they should not oppose the Capitol, the capital of Panem by sending one boy and one girl from each district to fight in the Arena. One reason this game was created : the rebellion of all districts in the past. Another reason : pleasure. So, her sister, our main protagonist Katniss Everdeen assured her and sing her to bed again. After preparing herself, she goes to the boundary of District 12 the coal mine district; an electrified fence that circle the district to protect the villagers while keeping them from going out too
here, I don't know if they miss it or not, the fence should be higher and thicker than that simple one and they didn't say the current in the fence is never turned on in District 12 unless it's an emergency situation. Katniss just sweep out of the way here ._.
And so, she met her friends, well, more than friends "Gale" in the depth of the woods and after Gale shared his bread that he bartered with the owner of the bread house they see a hovercraft flying to the District 12 direction.
here,too, they even didn't show Gale's skill in tying knot or whatever skill he has ._. he is just a strong, muscular and handsome guy that was Katniss bestfriend, not more. And have I told you that in the novel, most of the main characters is ranged between 12-19 years old but in the film some are more likely to be twenties or perhaps older
*I will skip the preparation and go straight to the reaping
*and Haymitch doesn't even there! he should be drunk and fall in the stage! lol
Primrose Everdeen name was reaped and Katniss, as her sister, volunteered to take her place. Of course she couldn't let her 12 years old sister to enter her death door. For the boy, Peeta Mellarck (is the spelling right? I kinda forget it) name was reaped and a flashback gone through Katniss mind. He is the one who gave him a bread when she was starved to death when they are younger.
I admit, this scene is great :) It is better to see it in real (well,film) than read it through the novel, more emotion I guess?
and so and so, Katniss and Peeta entered their own room which would give the privilege for anyone to visit them before they departed for Capitol.
Once again, the only guest here is Katniss mom and Prim, her dad had passed away in the coal mine in an explosion (they show this too!) and Gale. In novel, Peeta's father would have come and the all famous Mockingjay pin was originally given by Madge, the (what do you call walikota? governor?) daughter, but in film katniss bought it herself (i will explain later ;) )
*I admit again, i AM impressed by the technology they showed and the CG is sooo awesome!
*Eh, do they even mention the woman's name that do the reaping? Her name is Effie Trinket, although she is out of normal,she is really kind and caring you know :)
In the train, Katniss and Peeta met Haymitch, their mentor. A mentor is usually the previous victor of the game that come from the same district. I believe they don't even mention he is the winner of the 50th Hunger Games, the 2nd Quarter Quell. In the film, Haymitch is less drunk than what he should be in the novel, but that makes it better lol.
The actor starred as him is very well-suited, I can say. In the next scene, they arrive at the Capitol. I don't know where did they shoot the place, but it is so beautiful and the design of the city is so well-matched to my image when I'm reading the novel. I really want to know how they make those, really.
Here, they will do a parade to represent each of the district and each candidates will has their own personal styler, Katniss got Cinna, the most normal one in way of clothing compared to the rest of the Capitol citizen, if you exclude President Snow lolll (I haven't checked it,but I think the one who starred as the President Snow is Albus Dumbledore? I mean the actor hahaahaa)
the graphic was good and I could not imagine the burning costume till I see it with my very eyes.
Okay, Avox doesn't even mentioned here (Avox is a traitor that caught and its tongue was cut and sentenced to serve the Capitol) , they are so pitiful you know :(
next to the training session, if it just me or what, I remember the room was covered in sand, not metal ._.
and Peeta never throw that big metal boulder, but that explain why the Career ally was interested in recruiting him.
Once the game has started, everything goes the same with the flow of the book, but better since we saw all the combat and adrenaline, and worse because not all of it is accurate.
I tell you, the novel is so bloody but in the film they reduced the amount of blood splattered maximally.
They didn't show that once a person is dead, a hovercraft will come and take the corpse out of the arena too.
As I had stated before, it's the technology that impress me soooo much. The view of the control room is so exhilarating with all those touch screen control and holographic projector and perfect manipulation of the arena and its surroundings. Wonder when could I have a grip of that wonder hahhaha
The scene when Rue is dead is shocking and I'm actually weeping when I watch and read it. Only in novel,it is a lot more cruel than this and Katniss' grief is so expressed there.
Ah,right. When I watched the movietoday yesterday and fighting to get another bite of popcorn with corwin and pibak, this one crossed my mind. In novel, since the author described every little thinking that Katniss thought, it is what makes the novel become so long and sometime boring, but in the movie everything progress so fast. Well, if they gonna convert a full 350 pages novel it would be more than 4 hours I suppose, but the point is the lack of speech that Katniss possess makes the story progress faster it the movie because her personal thoughts are invisible to the viewers (well, not for the one that has read the book lol)
*Apparently, devris only needs 3 days to complete the series ._.
One more point that makes this movie worth to watch is it featured the out-of-the-arena activities! We never know what they were doing outside the arena, we are inside the thought of Katniss all the time in the novel. But the movie allow us to see how Haymitch got the sponsors, Serena Crane; the Head Game maker who have conversation with President Snow, the President Rose Garden, the Control room, District 11 rebellion, even Gale's face when Katniss kissed Peeta! LOLLLL
To make it short, although the movie cut out many details and focus on the story (which works best in mid-end because when Katniss found Peeta and they spend day and night in the cave and trying to survive, it costs more than hundred pages to describe that which I lamented but I find "okay" in the movie since they skipped the whole thing and only give a small proportion to that part, 10-14 minutes, I guess.), many of the details aren't that useful and harmful if, IF they plan to bring the movie to the its sequel, the Catching Fire which is sooooo greattttTTT!!! or perhaps even until Mockingjay, the last story.
(since those small things never connected to anything in the end. Madge, which I mentioned earlier, will die in the end of 2nd book because of explosion. This is what differ this novel and the one J.K. Rowling, Riordan and Paolini, even Masashi Kishimoto! This novel let everything pass and vanished once it story progresses, while Harry Potter and Percy Jackson will amaze you that small little things in the book 1 would prove to be the key to win/prevail in the last book, there's a quotation that say : "It's the small things that matter" right? Even Masashi Kishimoto never trashed his characters in Naruto, he still used them and uncover all the story in the past in the ending, awesome enough)
I had examined the movie carefully and I think the producer is going to carry on, they have "phak kode" enough during this one.
-The rebellion in District 11
-President Snow warning towards Serena Crane
-President Snow warning towards Katniss,and
-President Snow action when he saw Katniss and Peeta arrived at their home, he see the monitor and then turned and climbed the stairs.
spoiler for the next one : President Snow gonna make a visit to District 12 to find Katniss and confront her ;)
Overall, it is a nice movie to watch, now after they censor it and make it less bloody lol.
P.S. do you know? in the last scene where all the dogs surrounded Katniss, Peeeta and Cato, in the novel those dogs had the eyes of those 21 persons that already dead and their size is proportional to their original too. It's either a mutation of the real corpse or a created being after all using their data. Scary enough,don't they?
I know it must be late night right now, since the tab on the left bottom corner showing 1:25 AM straight when this words is typed, nevertheless the sensation of the film is still urging me to write this post (maybe that's what you called abnormal lol)
If I'm not mistaken, the Hunger Games was out in March 22nd and I was like
The thing is, I actually had known the very existence of the novel itself since the last time we went to TIMES bookstore (search through my posts where I mention corwin's TIMES privilege card). I remember corwin asked the shop assistant, "Which one is the most popular book right now?" and the assistant showed us the sequel of I AM NUMBER FOUR to us and lead us to another shelf which contains THE HUNGER GAMES. I will speak the truth, I am not that impressed when I saw the book, neither when I had finally finished the book (well, e-book) in March 22nd,the day of the premiere itself. The book (well, e-book LOL) is arranged by approximately 350 pages and I finished it in 7 hours and finished the 3 books in total of 6 days. However, the style of writing isn't one like Rick Riordan, the author and creator of Percy Jackson (finished until 5) ,The Lost Hero (finished till 2) and The Kane Chronicle (finished till 2) series or Christopher Paolini, the author of Eragon series. It's more simple, and straightforward where the story only focused on the main protagonist own thought. Enough for the chit-chat, the review shall beginnn.
(I will tell the story from the movie's view, while I will be commenting from the novel's view)
The movie starts and we hear Primrose Everdeen's scream through the peaceful morning, as she has a nightmare where her name is reaped in the Reaping Festival, where the unlucky person enters the Hunger Games; the Games that started 74 years ago in favor of remembering the citizen of districts that they should not oppose the Capitol, the capital of Panem by sending one boy and one girl from each district to fight in the Arena. One reason this game was created : the rebellion of all districts in the past. Another reason : pleasure. So, her sister, our main protagonist Katniss Everdeen assured her and sing her to bed again. After preparing herself, she goes to the boundary of District 12 the coal mine district; an electrified fence that circle the district to protect the villagers while keeping them from going out too
here, I don't know if they miss it or not, the fence should be higher and thicker than that simple one and they didn't say the current in the fence is never turned on in District 12 unless it's an emergency situation. Katniss just sweep out of the way here ._.
And so, she met her friends, well, more than friends "Gale" in the depth of the woods and after Gale shared his bread that he bartered with the owner of the bread house they see a hovercraft flying to the District 12 direction.
here,too, they even didn't show Gale's skill in tying knot or whatever skill he has ._. he is just a strong, muscular and handsome guy that was Katniss bestfriend, not more. And have I told you that in the novel, most of the main characters is ranged between 12-19 years old but in the film some are more likely to be twenties or perhaps older
*I will skip the preparation and go straight to the reaping
*and Haymitch doesn't even there! he should be drunk and fall in the stage! lol
Primrose Everdeen name was reaped and Katniss, as her sister, volunteered to take her place. Of course she couldn't let her 12 years old sister to enter her death door. For the boy, Peeta Mellarck (is the spelling right? I kinda forget it) name was reaped and a flashback gone through Katniss mind. He is the one who gave him a bread when she was starved to death when they are younger.
I admit, this scene is great :) It is better to see it in real (well,film) than read it through the novel, more emotion I guess?
and so and so, Katniss and Peeta entered their own room which would give the privilege for anyone to visit them before they departed for Capitol.
Once again, the only guest here is Katniss mom and Prim, her dad had passed away in the coal mine in an explosion (they show this too!) and Gale. In novel, Peeta's father would have come and the all famous Mockingjay pin was originally given by Madge, the (what do you call walikota? governor?) daughter, but in film katniss bought it herself (i will explain later ;) )
*I admit again, i AM impressed by the technology they showed and the CG is sooo awesome!
*Eh, do they even mention the woman's name that do the reaping? Her name is Effie Trinket, although she is out of normal,she is really kind and caring you know :)
In the train, Katniss and Peeta met Haymitch, their mentor. A mentor is usually the previous victor of the game that come from the same district. I believe they don't even mention he is the winner of the 50th Hunger Games, the 2nd Quarter Quell. In the film, Haymitch is less drunk than what he should be in the novel, but that makes it better lol.
The actor starred as him is very well-suited, I can say. In the next scene, they arrive at the Capitol. I don't know where did they shoot the place, but it is so beautiful and the design of the city is so well-matched to my image when I'm reading the novel. I really want to know how they make those, really.
Here, they will do a parade to represent each of the district and each candidates will has their own personal styler, Katniss got Cinna, the most normal one in way of clothing compared to the rest of the Capitol citizen, if you exclude President Snow lolll (I haven't checked it,but I think the one who starred as the President Snow is Albus Dumbledore? I mean the actor hahaahaa)
the graphic was good and I could not imagine the burning costume till I see it with my very eyes.
Okay, Avox doesn't even mentioned here (Avox is a traitor that caught and its tongue was cut and sentenced to serve the Capitol) , they are so pitiful you know :(
next to the training session, if it just me or what, I remember the room was covered in sand, not metal ._.
and Peeta never throw that big metal boulder, but that explain why the Career ally was interested in recruiting him.
Once the game has started, everything goes the same with the flow of the book, but better since we saw all the combat and adrenaline, and worse because not all of it is accurate.
I tell you, the novel is so bloody but in the film they reduced the amount of blood splattered maximally.
They didn't show that once a person is dead, a hovercraft will come and take the corpse out of the arena too.
As I had stated before, it's the technology that impress me soooo much. The view of the control room is so exhilarating with all those touch screen control and holographic projector and perfect manipulation of the arena and its surroundings. Wonder when could I have a grip of that wonder hahhaha
The scene when Rue is dead is shocking and I'm actually weeping when I watch and read it. Only in novel,it is a lot more cruel than this and Katniss' grief is so expressed there.
Ah,right. When I watched the movie
*Apparently, devris only needs 3 days to complete the series ._.
One more point that makes this movie worth to watch is it featured the out-of-the-arena activities! We never know what they were doing outside the arena, we are inside the thought of Katniss all the time in the novel. But the movie allow us to see how Haymitch got the sponsors, Serena Crane; the Head Game maker who have conversation with President Snow, the President Rose Garden, the Control room, District 11 rebellion, even Gale's face when Katniss kissed Peeta! LOLLLL
To make it short, although the movie cut out many details and focus on the story (which works best in mid-end because when Katniss found Peeta and they spend day and night in the cave and trying to survive, it costs more than hundred pages to describe that which I lamented but I find "okay" in the movie since they skipped the whole thing and only give a small proportion to that part, 10-14 minutes, I guess.), many of the details aren't that useful and harmful if, IF they plan to bring the movie to the its sequel, the Catching Fire which is sooooo greattttTTT!!! or perhaps even until Mockingjay, the last story.
(since those small things never connected to anything in the end. Madge, which I mentioned earlier, will die in the end of 2nd book because of explosion. This is what differ this novel and the one J.K. Rowling, Riordan and Paolini, even Masashi Kishimoto! This novel let everything pass and vanished once it story progresses, while Harry Potter and Percy Jackson will amaze you that small little things in the book 1 would prove to be the key to win/prevail in the last book, there's a quotation that say : "It's the small things that matter" right? Even Masashi Kishimoto never trashed his characters in Naruto, he still used them and uncover all the story in the past in the ending, awesome enough)
I had examined the movie carefully and I think the producer is going to carry on, they have "phak kode" enough during this one.
-The rebellion in District 11
-President Snow warning towards Serena Crane
-President Snow warning towards Katniss,and
-President Snow action when he saw Katniss and Peeta arrived at their home, he see the monitor and then turned and climbed the stairs.
spoiler for the next one : President Snow gonna make a visit to District 12 to find Katniss and confront her ;)
Overall, it is a nice movie to watch, now after they censor it and make it less bloody lol.
P.S. do you know? in the last scene where all the dogs surrounded Katniss, Peeeta and Cato, in the novel those dogs had the eyes of those 21 persons that already dead and their size is proportional to their original too. It's either a mutation of the real corpse or a created being after all using their data. Scary enough,don't they?
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